Studio Antimateria realizza idee innovative e prodotti attraverso le arti digitali e all’estetica delle nuove tecnologie, tramite un aspetto effimero, minimale e costantemente legato all’epoca contemporanea.
Studio Antimateria intende rendere percepibile ciò che è senza massa e forma, vale a dire l’emozione umana, mostrandolo come un oggetto d’arte per quanto possibile libero da confini disciplinari o culturali, stimolando sincronicamente la percezione in una forte correlazione con il presente.
Studio Antimateria realizes innovative ideas and products through the digital arts and the new technologies aesthetics, putting them in an ephemeral, minimal appearance constantly related to the contemporary era, and making use of a multi-disciplinary team that could organically deal with every new medium.
Studio Antimateria intends to make perceivable what is massless and shapeless, namely human emotion, showing it off as an object of art as far as possibile free from disciplinary or cultural boundaries, synchronically stimulating the perception in a strong correlation with the present time.